Shàn Strategies serves as a valuable strategic partner and project leader to boost purpose-driven work. 



Shan Strategies is a social impact consulting firm. We believe that together, we go far. Addressing complex challenges like increasing educational and economic opportunity, environmental sustainability, or racial and gender equity, requires adept leadership. Making lasting positive change will necessitate strategic thinking, stakeholder engagement, and the collaboration of the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. We know you want to make a real difference in people’s lives, and we are here to help you.

Whether it’s leveling up an organization’s impact, helping a company meet its growth and social impact goals, or facilitating a cross-sector initiative, Shàn Strategies serves as a valuable strategic partner and project leader to boost purpose-driven work.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
— African Proverb


What we do


It all starts with good leadership. No leader can do it alone. We help new & developing executives and organizations succeed. Or if you are already well-established but need help taking your mission to the next level, we are here for you.

  • Workforce strategy and program development

  • Executive coaching & talent management

  • Board development & governance


Shàn is a mandarin Chinese word that translates to "do good." A Chinese philosopher named Liezhu says that one should do good without focusing on being recognized, but as a result, recognition will come. We believe the same - we prosper by doing good. And, when one part of a community is strengthened - more educated, better employed, more self-sufficient or engaged, everyone's quality of life benefits. Let us help you make the greatest impact possible.

  • Strategic planning & project leadership

  • ESG and BCorp strategy and program development

  • Corporate social responsibility

  • Strategic philanthropy


Good intentions alone are not enough. Today’s informed investors, funders, shareholders, and customers expect measurable change and transparency. To make the impact you are hoping for, you must identify clear goals, build trust, and get the right people and organizations on board. We can help you grow your base of champions and achieve authentic, strong, and diverse partnerships.

  • Stakeholder mapping and engagement

  • Issue advocacy and communication

  • Cross-sector collaboration/collective impact initiatives

When the best leaders leave, people will say, “We have done it ourselves.”
— Lao Tzu

Examples of community engagements

  • Aliento Education Fund

  • Arizona Community Foundation

  • ASU Morrison Institute for Public Policy Advisory Board

  • AZ Dreams

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield AZ Foundation for Community Health & Advancement

  • Common Sense Media Advisory Council

  • Desert Botanical Garden

  • Discovery Triangle Corporation

  • Activate Food Arizona

  • First Place AZ

  • Greater Phoenix Chamber

  • Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation/ ElevateEdAZ

  • Helios Education Foundation

  • Launch Flagstaff

  • Launch School

  • Maricopa Community Colleges

  • NAU Arizona Teacher Residency

  • Phoenix Art Museum

  • Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center Board of Directors

  • Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation

  • Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Arizona

  • Teach For America Advisory Board

  • The Nature Conservancy/AZ Thrives

  • Valley Leadership

  • Vitalyst Health Foundation